How to use SHFileOperation without GUI
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John Karlsson
2005-08-03 10:29:02 UTC
Hi all.

I'm using the SHFileOperation function in the following manner, but keep
getting the error UI whenever a file path is incorrect, even when
FOF_NOERRORUI in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.fFlags is set. ".hwnd" should hold the handle
to the window where the notification is to be displayed normally, but my
application is non-graphical, and can't wait for user intervention. Therefore
I set SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hwnd = NULL, but if an error occur I get a popup anyway.

The only way it seams I can get rid of the popup is setting .hwnd to a
random dummy value, but it doesn't feel very safe. Is it? What should I do

int ShFileCopy( LPCWSTR lpszTo, LPCWSTR lpszFrom, LPCWSTR lpszText, BOOL
bUseGUI, HWND hwndHandle)

shfoInfo.hwnd = (bUseGUI ? hwndHandle : (HWND__ *)5335);
shfoInfo.wFunc = FO_COPY;
shfoInfo.fFlags = (bUseGUI ? 0 : FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI |
// shfoInfo.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI;
shfoInfo.lpszProgressTitle = &_T("Copying files");
shfoInfo.pFrom = lpszFrom;
shfoInfo.pTo = lpszTo;

int nRet = SHFileOperation(&shfoInfo);
if( nRet != 0 ){
// File operation error

// Notify
RETAILMSG(TRUE, (_T("ERROR: SHFileOperation returned:
%d\r\n"), nRet));

return nRet;

Is the FOF_NOERRORUI flag ignored when .hwnd = NULL? Does .hwnd remain
unused if FOF_NOERRORUI is set (.hwnd != NULL). In that case my code should
be safe, but I don't have the code for the implementation...
John Karlsson
Teleca Sweden West AB
john dot karlsson at sys dot teleca dot se
2016-05-19 12:01:35 UTC
set to 0? (or no set value, default value is cero)

(i'm trying it)
